Friday, September 25, 2009

Sun Flowers


Every day I take this path to work that cuts right through Kingston beside Novelis. When the weather started to get nice suddenly there was a torn up section of field about half way up. I wondered what the hell were they doing? laying pipe? digging it up to finish up Leroy Grant? no.. they plowed it to make a miniature farmers grow operation! Vegetables, flowers and other assorted garden goods. So I decided to take a picture of these overgrown sunflowers. Not much for taking pictures of this kind of thing but here you go! trying to shoot as much as possible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You don't see that everyday anymore, a field of flowers or organic fruit and vegetables. Personally sunflower fields are my favorite and you've managed to capture that beauty within this one picture.

Kudo's to you my friend.