Work had me on a 5pm to 3:30am shift last week, so I decided to stay up and catch the sunrise down by Confederation park. Funny story here because after leaving the house with my camera and skateboard, I passed by where my cousin
Trisha lives and found Jasper the cat. Jasper grew up at
Dunlop and is now Trisha's kitty. Anyway, Trisha had posted to facebook that Jasper ran away! How fucking stoked would you be to get a call at 4 in the morning from your cousin telling you that he found your cat! I'd be. So Trisha decided to tag along and shoot photos too. Here's what I got:




5:48am: Brian Came too.






Millions of bugs near the water... they were all up on the ceiling at one of the hotels there.


Overall, pretty productive and fun morning. We stopped around 6:30 and camped on the rocks with a couple beers and called it a night? morning? whatever. Morning light is the best light I think! I also think this one was better than my last
attempt at shooting at sunrise.
Back to work tomorrow. fuck.
these pictures are fantastic Steve! ts the first in a while that Ive checked your blog, and its all fantastic! :D
Im not sure what kind of techniques you used with that sick photo of Trish and the brick wall but all want to do is stare at her fingernails. Did you do that on purpose? Or did it just turn out that good?
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